Friday, October 10, 2008


I had this drawing many years back, March 14, 2001 to be precise. The model is my friend and it still remains my most cherished art piece. It's my master piece.


I first seen an artist having sex on canvass in a movie titled ART OF ERATISM. Sometimes, I feel like experimenting on that. My sexual life has to be special, though it doesn’t have to be painting with a medium of sex. But I would love to do something romantic with my art.


The view of some people when Halle Berry was given the Oscar award was that the award was based on her sexual role in the movie MONSTAL’S BALL not really on her acting prowess. Halle is no doubtful a wonderful actress but the act draws more controversy… What do you think?


My folks for sometimes now have been disturbing me, asking for who my fiancée is? My response has not been acceptable and convincing enough. A guy of my age should be in a serious relationship has been their query.

The fact is that I feel my greatest obligation as an artist is to express unhindered my God-given potentials. All I want is a woman that can be part of it (just like the artist’s wife in the movie ART OF ERATISM). Beyond race, educational background, and social class, what make sense to me and draws me to a woman is for her to show a keen interest in my calling, ART. Above all, I sort for a woman that could connect with my soul, inspire me and challenge me to greatness.

I do not just search for a woman I could have in my home but a woman to lean on especially through the life’s unexpected twists and turns. Someone, who will inspire my heart and spirit, with whom I could explore my individuality and pursue my passions. A woman that will believes in me, and that will take my dreams seriously and nurturing my soul.
Much more than love, I need a woman that will undoubtedly understand me. I find joy in the little things, I believe in simplicity and being natural. There is something I’m looking for and when I find it I will walk down the aisle. Take this as an invitation, would like to be mine?


Love, romance and sex are all emotions capable of driving people to heights of super achievement. Love when mixed with the emotions of romance and sex, leads us far up the ladder of creative effort. The emotions of love, sex and romance are sides of the eternal triangle of achievement- building genius. Nature creates genius through no other force than this.

Love is an emotion with many sides and faces, shades and colours. Love when blends with emotions of sex is more intense and burning, and brings about a state of mind closest to the spiritual that one may ever know on this earthly plane.
The emotion of love brings out and develops the artistic and aesthetic nature of a person. Even the memories of love are sufficient to lift one to a higher realm of creative effort.The emotion of sex is an irresistible force, against which no such opposition as IMMOVABLE BODY exists. When driven by this emotion, men became gifted with a super power for action. The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability. SEX energy is the CREATIVE energy of all geniuses.

. There never has been a great artist lacking in this driving force of sex.
Great men who have accumulated substantial fortunes and achieved outstanding recognition in art, literature, architecture and other professions were motivated by the influence of a woman.


Act of rape is not only when a man forcefully have sex with a woman against her will. Oftentimes sex involved even married couples are rape act. So when do sex becomes rape among couples? Simple, when you have a penile entrance with a woman when she is still dry. A woman needs to be wet and ready before a man penetrates to ensure maximum satisfaction and her reaching orgasm.

To most guys it’s okay for a gal to suck their penis but won’t want to return the act. Oral stimulation is so important on the part of the lady. At least what is good for the goose is also good for the gender

. A man should be able to go down the woman’s cunt and give her oral stimulation (cunnilingus) and caress the clitoris. The point is to prepare her for sexual intercourse. Caress her, be gentle and slow in the act for her to be fully aroused and wet. The real is to giving a woman sexual satisfaction is plenty of loving foreplay.

Men should note:
-Sex is to be enjoyed by your spouse, she is not meant to endure it.
-Don’t just be sexual be romantic.
-Be a lover in bed not horse rider.
-Give orgasm not agony
-Intimacy is the mother of intimate sexual life. Don’t force your woman to bed love her to sex.
-Never behave like an animal, be humane to your woman on bed. Affectionately make love to her not just sex.

Above all, all your sexuality should be open, adventurous, and great fun for both of party. Sexual satisfaction is an integral aspect of a fulfilling relationship.


Inside and outside his studio, artist view a female figure as a masterpiece of art, to appreciate and adore. Not a subject of molestation and ill act. The expression “USE AND DUMP” never existed in his dictionary, “FUCK” has never caught his lips instead he makes “LOVE” when the need arises.

To an artist SEX is not just the physical act because his heart is involved. Often times mistaken his unsatisfied curiosity to see more and explore more to flirting.

Artist muse has always been a woman (but not just a woman). There is more to the nudity of a woman that inspires and rekindles the flame of creativity in an artist. Not all women process it. Sometimes it takes the search of a lifetime for an artist to find one.

When you gaze upon an artist’s canvas, don’t just see the image see beyond the surface. The interpretation of what you see usually transcend the physical.


How do we restore the value system?
I’d discovered that the challenges that the artist of this age is facing are not new to the creative experience of the artists of old; neither differs by geographical placement and gender. Artists all over the world go through similar experience in creative process.

The challenges sometimes seem enormous and unbearable to others that made them to give up their great talent and lose their creative skills. If you still have yours, guide it jealously and never lose to pressure of life.

Meanwhile, it will be cool to note “ARTISTS ARE GREAT POTENTIALS TO THIS UNIVERSE”. They contribute a great lot to the creative process of the universe. Look around you, what you see are works of art irrespective of purpose they tend to serve: an item of beauty or a functional object.
Lets proceed in the creative endeavour, if not a hit today it will tomorrow. Just continue adding value to life. My pride is not in many material objects I’ve been able to accumulate, neither in the educational attainment but in the fact that I AM AN ARTIST.


Love is spice of life; it adorns life as clouds decorate the skies. Love is to life what a scent is to a Rose. Love I believe is the only denominator all hearts understands regardless of background, social class and educational attainment. It knows no boundary or barrier. Sometimes we have to step out of faith to find the love of our life.

When I was a kid I used to fantasize of me getting married to a white girl. I would love to have a mulatto as a child. Today, I’m in a different continent away from my dream girl. Between my fantasy and reality is there a correlation? All is about meeting and connectivity. That’s my hope. We meet someday and ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!


SEX and orgasms is the key to improving and maintaining a healthy long-term relationship, which has been linked to a longer lifespan. Sex has a powerful bonding effect for couple. A couple that has more sex stays together with a healthy sex life, self-esteem and mental health are given a boost.

During orgasm, the oxytocin, which is linked with range of physical and psychological benefit, is produced. One of such benefit is its impact on sleep. This is because the surge in oxytocin during arousal and orgasm is a natural sedative. It is an antidote for insomnia. Oxytocin also aids the release of endorphins, which alleviate the pain of everything, from headache to arthritis to migraine.

A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and over all stress reduction. Sex, if nothing else, is exercise, and it should be treated as such, but in pleasurable way. A vigorous round burns about 200 calories, which is equivalent to 15 minutes on a treadmill or playing squash. The benefits include improved cholesterol level and increased circulation.
The muscular, contractions during intercourse work on the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and thorax. Sex also boosts the production of testosterone, which leads to stronger bones and muscles.
Better bladder control is achieved because the same set of muscles is worked on during sex. Regular sessions can not only firm a woman’s tummy and buttocks, but also improve her posture.

A main health benefit of sex is its impact on stress. Beyond the obvious pleasurable sensation of being touched is the biochemical effect which aids the reduction of the levels of cortisol; the hormone that is secreted when one is under stress.
The frequent release of sperm is believed to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and regular sexual activity may help women avoid breast cancer.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Human mind responds to stimulation. A mind stimulant is any influence that will either temporarily or permanently, increases the vibration of thought and channeled into creativity or innovation. There are about ten of them, the first eight are natural and constructive other two are destructive.
· The desire for sex expression / urge for sex
· Love
· A burning desire for fame, power, financial gain/ money
· Music
· Friendship between either those of the same sex or those of the opposite sex
· A master mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual or temporal advancement
· Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted
· Autosuggestion
· Fear
· Narcotics and alcohol

The desire for sexual expression is by far the strongest and most impelling of all the human emotions. For this reason this desire when harnessed and transmuted into action other than that of physical expression may raise one to the status of a genius.